"The Most Incredible Place on the Internet to Learn How to Waitress, Bartender and 
become a Bottle Girl and make $1000's a Weekend!" 
  • Do you feel like you're made to make money in an easy and feminine way?
  • Are you ready to have $1000's coming in every weekend? You're ready to pay off your debts, travel the world, and invest in yourself!
  • Do you want to wake up daily feeling like *I AM A BEAUTIFUL AND SUCCESSFUL WOMAN* and have plenty of time to rest and enjoy life?
Featured On:

The reality is… that you probably have NO IDEA how to become a NIGHTLIFE QUEEN without experience!



This is where the Nightlife Hustle University Membership Comes In...

Here's what you'll gain:

  • Each month inside NHU you will learn every single step to get into the INDUSTRY SUCCESSFULLY! You’ll get weekly LIVE CALLS to guide you to form long lasting relationships and get your questions answered!
  • Kat is sharing the exact strategies that brought her so she could buy her first property and pay off her entire degree! (No gatekeeping) 
  • Have you dreamed of turning your nightlife passion into a career that pays? I go in depth with 43 total videos so you learn EVERYTHING you need to know about the restaurant/bar/nightlife industry for an ABSOLUTE BEGINNER OR CURRENT INDUSTRY MEMBER!

To really stack the value, I've added some incredible bonuses below

Free Gift #1 ($1000 Value)

  • You’ll get access to our 45 minute video- $3000 Cash Weekend Upsell & Building Regulars where we breakdown the exact strategy Kat used to have a $3000 Weekend!
  • ​You can even listen to this lesson on the go! It’s like Netflix but BETTER!

Free Gift #2 ($99 Value)

Extreme Resume Tips to GET THE JOB!

  • Learn the behind the scenes moves to work at high end nightclubs with NO EXPERIENCE!
  • ​If you know you’re meant to work at clubs with celebrities, you’re going to want to binge this class!

“I finally got the job at a brand new upscale night and day club using your Instagram tips! So excited!” - @tienstacks

Free Gift #3 ($249 Value)

Discover the exact way to post on IG Stories to Book More Tables!

  • Become the nightlife queen you were destined to be! Learn how to sell with ease on IGStories so that every time you post, people DM you immediately and say “BOOK ME A VIP SECTION WITH YOU”!
  • ​This training right here will make you so much money and expand your customer base with special media!

“I just booked 3 tables for this weekend with dream clients and all $1000 minimums!”- Daniella 

Free Gift #4 ($300 Value)

How to Hustle to Make the Most Money in the Room!

  • Learn how to create relationships with coworkers who are lazy, so you can make more $$!
  • ​You’ll learn that quickness = more tips!

Free Gift #5 ($179 Value)

Pretty to Glam Goddess- Fake it till you Make it with Confidence!

  • If you want to glow up and then be able to show up at the club successfully- this will tell you everything! 
  • ​Learn how to feel more beautiful and confident with will make your more $$!
  • ​No need for plastic surgery when you watch this! 
  • ​Use these proven techniques to increase your tip percentages!

“I received so many compliments and made $500 ($300 more than usual) tonight!” - Angel 

You know we like to overdeliver so we did something crazy..

Here is this BONUS LESSON When you Sign Up Today:

Treat this Job like a Business- to make BUSINESS MONEY($$$)

  • How to have managers place you in the best VIP Sections and be scheduled for the best shifts/sections
  • ​How to have customers leaving you 5 Star Yelp Reviews 
  • ​Understand that your customers are the ones paying your bills

Are You Ready to Leap?

When you Sign Up Today, You Get All of This...

  • Nightlife Hustle University Membership with weekly lives calls, 36 videos showcasing A-Z on 6 ways to apply to the job, kickass interviews, steps of service, manifesting tips, legalities of alcohol/serving, bartending 101, bottle service 101, liquor 101, and so much more! ($799 Value)
  • ​Learn how to Build Regulars and Upsell to $3000 Weekends ($1000 Value)
  • ​Discover the Exact way to post on IG Stories to Book More Tables! ($249 Value)
  • ​How to Hustle to Make the Most Money in the Room!…. ($300 Value)
  • ​Pretty to Glam Goddess- Fake it till you Make it with Confidence! ($179 Value)
  • ​BONUS! Treat this Job like a Business- to make BUSINESS MONEY($$$)… ($379 Value)

Total Value: Over $2000

Start Today for $15 a month!

“I’m finally able to pay off my student loans because of my new nightclub job! Best 6 months so far!”- Erika

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is there a minimum commitment?

A:  There’s no minimum! You can stay as long as you like inside of the membership. Everyone I’ve worked with has always raved about my teachings. If you want to cancel email kat@nightlifehustleuniversity.com.

Q: When will I start making money?!

A:   Action takers are money makers! The sooner you sign up, open your nightlife hustle university portal, and start taking action… The sooner you’ll be working at an exclusive club, building your clientele, and making more money!

Q: Is there really that much value inside of the membership? 

A:   Kat created this membership with you in her heart. She always overdelivers just like she does with her guests. She created this membership because she wanted to start a movement that women can be both hot and smart and she noticed there are barely any videos on this topic that she is super passionate about. She’s packed this portal with endless trainings on how you can start turning your night life passion into a career…. TODAY!

Q: Is this for beginners or current restaurant/bar/nightlife, industry workers?

A:   This membership is for anyone who desires or currently works in the industry. Kat believes that if someone is looking to make more tips, that primarily they need to look at the place they are working at and then also need to learn how to gracefully upsell and build regulars. So this does support women at all levels of their industry journey!
Kat Busch
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